Editorial Assessment & Peer Review Process

Scholarly peer review in scientific journals is a quality control mechanism in which an author's scholarly work, research, or ideas are critically evaluated by experts in the related field prior to publication in a journal or as a book. The peer review process ensures that the articles published meet the discipline's accepted standards.

Openventio employs an initial editorial review process (pre-quality editorial assessment-PQA), in which experts assess the manuscript for its overall quality and suitability for publication in the journal; manuscripts are then accepted or rejected based on this system of evaluation, followed by a double-blind peer review process, which ensures that neither the author nor the reviewer's identities are revealed. To facilitate this, authors should submit the author details and the blinded manuscript without the author details as two separate files.

The double-blinded peer review process
Step 1: Manuscript Submission

• Submission via online portal or e-mail

• Cover letter, author and co-author details, and manuscript (separate files)

Step 2: Pre-Quality Editorial Assessment (PQA) Check

• Plagiarism check (Note: plagiarized, fabricated or content unsuitable
for the journal will be immediately rejected).

• Language editing for brevity.

• Ensuring that the manuscript structure includes the required sections.

• Sent back to the author (SBTA) seeking approval of the introduced edits.

Step 3: Peer Review

• Double-blinded peer review undertaken by expert researchers and

• Revision done by authors on the basis of reviewer comments.
(*revisions must be highlighted and accompanied by a letter in
response to each comment by the reviewers)

• Revised article: Accept/Reject/Re-revise.

Step 4: EIC Decision

• Re-checks the revised manuscript to ensure that it meets the journal

• Final decision: Accept/Reject /Re-write and Re-submit

Step 5: Copy Editing & Styling

• Checking for the composition and organization (formatting) of the
paper against the journal guidelines

• Reference styling and proof corrections

• Author’s confirmation of the final edited manuscript before

• In this version, the author can create or suggest modifications in the
content for use within the module

Step 6: Publishing

• Accepted article is sent for generating the galley proof

• Online publication of the manuscript