Public Health

Open journal

ISSN 2472-3878

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Prevalence and Severity of Internet Addiction: Current and Future Public Health Challenges

Rachid Belmasrour, Abdelmounaim Fillali, Naya Kendrick, Serene Stoudemire, Christian Clement, Illya Tietzel*, Mostafa Elaasar and Bashir M. Rezk*

Bashir M. Rezk, PhD

Professor, Department of Natural Sciences, Southern University at New Orleans, 6400 Press Drive, New Orleans, LA 70126 USA; Office Phone. +1(504)284-5405; E-mail:

Illya Tietzel, PhD

Professor, Department of Natural Sciences, Southern University at New Orleans, 6400 Press Drive, New Orleans, LA 70126 USA; Phone. 504-286-5111; E-mail:


Over the past few years, there has been a significant rise in internet usage, raising considerable concerns about the potential dangers associated with excessive internet use and the development of Internet addiction.1 When a newly discovered coronavirus, originally named 2019-nCoV and now known as severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) (Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19)), was first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, it initially spread rapidly within China and to various other countries.2,3 In December 2019, the first reported COVID-19 outbreak occurred and aroused global attention, leading to COVID-19 restrictions, further emphasizing their importance. The global number of internet users witnessed a substantial surge, skyrocketing from 738 million in 2000 to 4.9 billion in 2021.1 This increase amounts to a staggering growth of over 567% within a span of only two decades. Internet addiction has been extensively investigated on a global scale, encompassing various characteristics that have the potential to negatively impact social, psychological, and functional aspects.4 Additionally, other variables have been widely explored, such as depression, sleeping patterns, body weight, aggressiveness, and other addictive substances.4 Furthermore, the general population has experienced relatively high rates of anxiety symptoms (ranging from 6.33-50.9%), depression symptoms (ranging from 14.6-48.3%), and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms (ranging from 7-53.8%) during this global health crisis.3,5,6

In 2018, the concept of “death by digital distraction”, which refers to the extreme consequence of excessive personal technology use, emerged on the internet through a concerning publication by the U.S. Naval Institute.7 Digital technology is clearly highlighted as a powerful “new drug”, referring to national statistics suggesting that 78% of Americans between 18 and 24-years of age use social media, online dating, video games, online pornography, and other personal digital technology multiple times a day, often to an extent that raises grounds for concern.8 Furthermore, digital addicts exhibit a wide range of behavioral symptoms, including eating disorders and withdrawal from outdoor and social activities.9 It is important to consider the evidence that suggests dysfunctional melatonin and vitamin D metabolism in these individuals when developing treatment approaches.9 The conclusions drawn provide a comprehensive understanding of digital addiction, highlighting the significance of sleep deficit as one of the key contributing factors.9

The global number of smartphone users is expected to experience a steady rise from 2023-2028, with an overall increase of 910.3 million users, which is a 17.33% increase.10 Following five consecutive years of growth, it is estimated that the smartphone user base will reach a new peak of 6.2 billion users in 2028.10 It is worth mentioning that the number of smartphone users has consistently been on the rise in recent years. Smartphone users are limited to internet users of any age using a smartphone.10


In this literature review, we used the results of the 15 different studies11-25 that have been conducted worldwide overall from the published articles at PubMed and Google Scholar as mean references. These studies collectively examined the effects of COVID-19 on Internet addiction, as demonstrated in Table 1 and Figure 1. To compare the prevalence of Internet addiction before and after the COVID-19 pandemic, we utilized the t-test statistical method.


Figure 1. Represents the Prevalence Rates of Internet Addiction Derived from Fifteen Studies Conducted in Diverse Countries



A review of literature published between 2000 and 2009 on Medline and PubMed focusing on “Internet addiction” in the United States and Europe showed that the prevalence rates of Internet addiction range from 1.5-8.2%, which is not COVID-19-related, although the specific diagnostic criteria and assessment questionnaires varied across countries.26 Throughout the previous decade, the prevalence of Internet addiction worldwide exhibited substantial variation, ranging from 1.6% in Europe to 44% in India, with an average of 15%.27,28 However, based on the current review, which includes 15 studies conducted globally, the average prevalence of Internet addiction during the COVID-19 pandemic ranged from 4.8% in Turkey to 88.1% in Nigeria, with an overall average of 42%. Using the t-test statistical methodology, we observed a substantial increase in the average rate of Internet addiction from 15% before the COVID-19 pandemic27 to 42% during the COVID-19 pandemic, representing a 2.8-fold increase, as shown in Figure 2. Cross-sectional studies conducted on patient samples demonstrate a significant comorbidity between Internet addiction and psychiatric disorders, especially affective disorders (such as depression), anxiety disorders (including generalized anxiety disorder and social anxiety disorder), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).26 Various factors are found to be predictive of the severity of internet use, including personality traits, parenting and familial factors, alcohol use, and social anxiety.26 There was a significant positive correlation between Internet addiction and aggressive behavior, and anxiety, but not depression, mediated the effect of Internet addiction on aggressive behavior.20 Furthermore, the public health model recognizes addiction as an outcome of interactions between individuals, digital media, and the environment.29 These circumstances further emphasize our awareness towards recognizing a new global syndrome, Internet addiction, driven by increasingly challenging public health and psychosocial conditions.10

The COVID-19 pandemic posed substantial challenges to the current state of public health, despite advances in medicine. The lack of a strong medical infrastructure to restrict the virus’s spread, as well as the initial lack of a quick vaccination, led to the virus’s global spread.30 Consequently, quarantine measures were put in place, but unfortunately, a concurrent 2.8-fold increase in Internet addiction compared to pre-pandemic levels was also observed (Figure 2). Looking ahead, the future of public health will be influenced by various factors, including scientific and technological advancements and the development of medical systems capable of effectively managing pandemics.31 Additionally, policy decisions, global cooperation, and societal changes will play crucial roles in shaping public health outcomes.32 Addressing these challenges and seizing opportunities will necessitate collaboration between governments, international organizations, healthcare professionals, and communities worldwide.

Figure 2. Illustrates the Average Rates of Internet Addiction before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic


Table 1. The Results and Conclusions from Fifteen Different Studies Conducted Across Various Regions Worldwide that Provide Insights into the Rates and Prevalence of Internet Addiction
Author Name Duration Country/Countries # of Participants Age Results Conclusions

et al11


academic year





13 to 16-years 4.8% of adolescents had limited internet addiction symptoms. However, 20.7% were suffered from psychosocial problems


Internet addiction and psychosocial problems were associated with several sociodemographic factors


Lee et al12 14-18 May 2021


South Korea




20-years or older


11.17% were at risk of Internet addiction


Addictive Internet use was significantly associated with psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic



et al13



475 16 to 21-years


13.4% of recruited students had severe internet addiction


Females were highly addicted than males



et al14

February 2021 to May 2022




247 12 to 17-years


15.4% of those who were

hospitalized and 6.5% of the community group exhibited problematic use of social media

Adolescent inpatients should be screened for problematic use of social media


Lin15 March 2 through 27 March 2020




1060 14.66±0.86-years


24.4% of the population had Internet addiction


The prevalence rate of Internet addiction was high among junior high school

students during the COVID-19 outbreak



et al16

April 15 to May 7, 2020


Kuwait, Saudi Arabia


593 18-years and over


31.5% spent eight hours or more online daily


Problematic internet use was associated with loneliness and the predictors of loneliness


Li et al17 March 24 to April 30, 2020




20472 15-years or above


The Internet addiction was 36.7%


The COVID-19 pandemic adversely impacted Internet use and increased the prevalence and severity of Internet addiction


Sun et al18 24-31 March 2020




6416 28.23±9.23-years


46.8% of the subjects reported increased dependence on

internet use, and 16.6% had longer hours of internet use


COVID-19 pandemic implicated in

addictive behaviors in China


Siste et al19 April 28 to June 1st 2020




4737 31.84±7.73-years


Online duration increased by 52% compared to before the pandemic.


A high point prevalence of internet

addiction and identified several

preventable factors predictive of IA

during home-quarantine


Zhang et al20 July 2020




999 17.01±0.77-years


53.9% spent above 6 hours online daily bases


Internet addiction was an important cause of adolescents’ aggressive behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic


Khubchandani et al21 May 2021


United States


1305 18-years or older


Probable addiction or risk of addiction (41%), and definite or severe addiction (14%).


An increase in internet addiction among U.S. adults during the COVID-19 pandemic



et al22


November 2020


Norway, USA, UK, and Australia


2368 18-years or over


60.5% have been addicted to social media


Social media also led to negative impact on public perceptions, including mistrust and confusion.


Priego-Parra et al23 March 23 to April 21 2020


Urban areas, México


561 30.7±10.6-years


62.7% of the population had some degree of internet



Excessive internet use and exposure to misinformation are linked to higher levels of anxiety and depression.


Tahir et al24 June and July 2020


Dominican Republic, Egypt, Guyana, India, Mexico, Pakistan, and Sudan


2749 15 to 44-years


67.6% were addicted to

Internet and 73.5% suffered from poor sleep quality


Internet Addiction was a significant predictor of low-quality sleep, accounting for 13.2% of the variability in poor sleep quality



et al25

July and

August 2021




1000 14 to 19-years


The prevalence of internet addiction was 88.1% (24.9% had mild, 59.6% had moderate, while 3.6% had severe



During the COVID-19 pandemic era, there was a high incidence of internet

addiction among adolescents, with

addiction being more likely among males




During the COVID-19 pandemic era, there has been a significant increase in Internet addiction on a global scale. This Internet addiction is significantly associated with psychosocial problems and is severely affected by diverse sociodemographic factors that vary across regions and countries. Moreover, it has significant mental health consequences, including anxiety, depression, loneliness, aggressiveness, and sleep disturbances. The detrimental effects of Internet addiction on public health necessitate the development and provision of evidence-based services tailored to the specific problem type and severity experienced by each individual.


To effectively prevent and treat Internet addiction, which is recognized as a novel global syndrome and has severely impacted public health worldwide, it is essential to adopt a comprehensive approach that prioritizes the well-being of the younger generation. Importantly, urgent attention is needed to implement educational measures and new public health strategies that can protect and support young adults, youths, and adolescents, with the aim of preventing any additional harm and improving public health.


The authors, acknowledged the Department of Health, State of Louisiana, and Health Disparities for their support in conducting this work.


The authors declare that this review article was conducted without any commercial or financial associations that could be seen as a potential conflict of interest.

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